Localities in Victoria (VMADMIN.LOCALITY_POLYGON) - Comprehensive Elements
This dataset is the definitive set of locality boundaries for the state of Victoria as defined by Local Government and registered by the Registrar of Geographic Names. The boundaries are aligned to Vicmap Property. This dataset is part of the Vicmap Admin dataset series.
- Data (Publicação)
- 2006-09-11
+61 3 8636 2813
- Modo de apresentação
- mapDigital Mapa digital
- Finalidade
The Vicmap Admin product, which includes this dataset, provides an accurate representation of various administrative boundaries across Victoria, at a capture scale of 1:25,000. It is used in a variety of applications, particularly in emergency services, natural resource management, planning and development, and digital map publications.
- Status
- onGoing Contínuo
+61 3 8636 2813
- Freqüência de atualização e manutenção
- fortnightly Quinzenal
- Actualizar o âmbito
- dataset Conjunto de dados
ANZLIC search words
- Restrições de acesso
- intellectualPropertyRights Direitos de propriedade intelectual
- Uso de restrições
- otherRestrictions Outras restrições
- Outras restrições
The data is available under licence from Spatial Information Infrastructure in a variety of formats and media. Licence fees and distribution charges apply
- Tipo de representação espacial
- vector Vector
- Distancia
- 25 meters
- Languagem
- Categoria de tópico
- Limites Administrativos
- Descrição do ambiente
This dataset is maintained by a Spatial Information Infrastructure (SII) contractor. It is supplied to SII in SII's proprietary Incremental Update Format (IUF) and loaded into ESRI's ArcSDE (Oracle with geometry stored as sde binary)
- Descrição
- Código de tipo de medida
- Geographic identifier
ANZLIC Geographic Extent Name Register - States and Territories 2006-10-10 revision Version 2 http://www.ga.gov.au/anzmeta/gen/anzlic-algens.xml#anzlic-state_territory documentDigital
- Descrição
Data represents localities mapped since mid 2005
- Data de inicio
- 2005-05-15
- Identificador de sistema de referência
EPSG Geodetic Parameter Dataset 20070716 revision Version 6.13
- Forma de distribuição
Most popular formats including ESRI shape, MapInfo Tab and Oracle Spatial
Most popular formats including ESRI shape, MapInfo Tab and Oracle Spatial
- Recursos onLine
- Web page listing Data Service Providers (DSP)s
- Nível hierárquico
- dataset Conjunto de dados
- Dataset
Localities in Victoria (VMADMIN.LOCALITY_POLYGON)
Precisão de atributos não quantitativos
- Nome de medida
Valid code Test
- Medida de descrição
This measure validates codes/values against the authoritative list published as Vicmap Reference Table LOCALITY.
- Código de tipo de método de avaliação
- directInternal Avaliação directo interno
- Date and Time
- 2006-11-14T00:00:00
Resultado de conformidade
- Data (Revisão)
- 2005-05-15
- Explicação
- Passe
Omissão de exaustividade
- Nome de medida
Codelist omission
- Medida de descrição
This measure ensures all gazetted localities registered in the authoritative list published as Vicmap Reference Table LOCALITY are present in the dataset
- Código de tipo de método de avaliação
- directInternal Avaliação directo interno
- Date and Time
- 2006-11-13T00:00:00
Resultado de conformidade
- Data (Revisão)
- 2005-05-15
- Explicação
No gazetted localities are missing.
- Passe
Consistência topológica
- Nome de medida
Overlapping polygon
- Medida de descrição
This measure identifies overlapping polygons
- Código de tipo de método de avaliação
- directInternal Avaliação directo interno
- Date and Time
- 2006-11-14T00:00:00
Resultado de conformidade
- Data (Revisão)
- 2005-05-15
- Explicação
Five (5) overlapping polygons exist
- Passe
Consistência conceitual
- Nome de medida
Feature represented as a single object
- Medida de descrição
Each locality must be represented as a single object. Where the locality is represetned by 2 or more parts, the locality feature will be represented as a single object as a multi-part polygon.
- Código de tipo de método de avaliação
- directInternal Avaliação directo interno
- Date and Time
- 2006-11-10T00:00:00
Resultado de conformidade
- Data (Revisão)
- 2005-05-15
- Explicação
All localities are represented as single object.
- Passe
Precisão posicional externa absoluta
- Nome de medida
Absolute external positional accuracy
- Código de tipo de método de avaliação
- directInternal Avaliação directo interno
- Date and Time
- 2006-11-10T00:00:00
Resultado de conformidade
- Data (Revisão)
- 2005-05-15
- Explicação
Varies as per scale of capture of Vicmap Property. Vicmap Property is classified as 'BB' accuracy, ie. 90% of well-defined features are within 1mm, at plot scale, of their true position, eg. 1:500 equates to +/- 0.5metre and 1:25,000 equates to +/- 25 metres. Anecdotal evidence suggests that the spatial accuracy of the major part of the data set, at all scales is frequently better than BB.
- Passe
- Instrução
Local Government defines suburb, town and rural district boundaries after seeking appropriate consultation with all interested parties. Proposed boundaries/names are submitted to the Registrar of Geographic Names for approval and formal gazettal. As boundary and name information changes are processed through the formal definition and gazettal process at the Registrar of Geographic Names, the amendments will be flagged and the dataset will be updated by the maintainer with all new boundaries aligned to Vicmap Property.
- Descrição
Vicmap Property is the principal source of the digital data. Its accuracy varies across Victoria with metropolitan Melbourne source data collected at 1:500 scale and rural Victoria data collected at 1:25,000. For futher information see the Vicmap Property product specification at http://www.land.vic.gov.au/vicmap.
- Identificador do ficheiro
- 492ec383-9698-4ae3-9263-0e3fc43ae19d XML
- Languagem
- Character set
- utf8 UTF8
- Nível de hierarquia
- dataset Conjunto de dados
- Nome do nível de hierarquia
dataset - Localities - Victoria
- Date stamp
- 2007-08-13
- Nome padrão dos metadados
ANZLIC Metadata Profile
- Versão padrão dos metadados
+61 3 8636 2813
Visões gerais
Extensão espacial
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